Tuesday, July 03, 2007

A little of this and that

I am feeling drained all of a sudden. All afternoon I've been doing the chore I hate more than any in this world....laundry. Oh how I hate that chore and I really hate going up and down 4 flights up stairs to do it. Seriously it's just extra special torchure I think the Army created for us wives, especially those of us who are 8 1/2 months pregnant and already detest laundry the way it is. No way a woman thought it was a good idea to put the stinking laundry room in the basement. Of course the people on the 4th floor have thier own washer and dryers. Sure they're apartment size, but hey it's better than going up and down all those flights of stairs. The one way we are lucky though is that our storage room is actually in the laundry room (well you have to go in there to get to ours) and it's the biggest storage room in the building, which trust me we need. We do have it organized and for the most part know where everything is and we even have our deep freezer down there. So I am able to just put my laundry detergent right in there vs hauling that up and down the stairs as well. What really gets me though is just how rude a couple of our neighbors are. They don't seem to have the intelligence to empty the lint trap which just gets on my VERY LAST NERVE, they never wipe off the washers, and often one neighbor in particular (who lives right across the hall from me) leaves her clothes down there for at min. a week at a time. The longest has been 2 weeks. OF course she only does laundry about every 2 to 3 weeks, oh and she overfills the washers with clothes and then of course over-fills the dryers. I just wonder if she's that stupid or what. How does a person think their clothes are going to get washed if they can't MOVE in the washer? Today she had 15-20 pairs of jeans in the dryer (I didn't count, but it was AT LEAST that many). Big shocker that they were all still very damp. So I seperated them into 2 loads and started both dryers for her. I'm way too nice. I needed those two dryers for my own clothes (she'd used 2 washers for 2 sets of uniforms, do you see where I'm going..the girl is not smart!). So although I only use 3 out of the 4 washers at a time, I had a load still waiting to go in since her laundry was still in. She's AD and of course she probably threw that laundry in there last night and then she's gone all day long. I used to fold her laundry to be nice, but after she pulled our clothes out one day, and they were all damp, and just tossed them on the folding table (some hit the floor) that was it. I was done being nice and had I actually seen her that day I'd have torn her a new one. I did knock her her door that day and she didn't answer. To say the least I pulled her clothes out of the dryer and put mine back in so they could finish. (Chad did see her and he told her that if she was caught doing it again she had better stay clear of me lol)

Ok so anyways, done with my rant...I've been doing laundry. I actually need to be heading back down there to get more clothes out of the dryer and throw the last 2 loads into the dryers so that when Chad gets home he can bring it up for me. One perk of being pregnant is I don't haul heavy loads up and down...Chad does it for me. One perk for after I have our little girl and I'm healing up from my c-section is that Chad will be doing all the laundry for a couple of weeks. You can bet I'm not going to be doing it and it's one of those chores that after a c-section the dr tells you not to do anyways (common sense)! So I'll enjoy having a couple weeks off from doing that delightful chore!

Chad's working late tonight. He just took over the Arms room on Monday and next week they have inspections, so his 1st Sgt asked him if he could stay late Friday. Well Chad's taking our boys and 2 of our friends boys fishing and camping (on another friends BIL's land) and they're heading out there Friday...so he said he'd stay late tonight. So Chad said he'll be home between 7 and 7:30. He probably could have gotten most of it done today, but he had physical therapy for his knee that he had surgery on and then a check up with her ortho so he was gone two different times for a little over an hour both times. Actually the 2nd time he was gone longer because he stopped at the commissary and got steaks, baking potatoes, corn on the cob, and a few other things for our cook out tomorrow.

I am looking forward to tomorrow. We're going to have the cook out like I said. We're having steaks, burgers (for the kids if they want them), baked potatoes, corn on the cob, we'll have some chips and dip as well for anyone who wants some, and a watermellon to snack on throughout the day! We're making iced tea and raspberry lemonaid too! We're having a friend over and her kids (one's a baby so she obviously won't be enjoying the feast!). Then that afternoon we'll go up to the park for the celebration. Jump houses, bull riding (electric), dunk tank toss, paint ball (not for our kids), face painting, and other fun things, and of course the fireworks! Last year I think we got home at about midnight...but since the weather has been so cool and we've been getting so much rain it's getting darker earlier here than last year so there's a good chance the fireworks could actually be over by 11:00 pm! I know the boys will love that, it'll probably be their favorite part of the day.

For those who prayed for Miller Grace thank you. I know I didn't update over here, but she went home to Dance with Jesus on Thursday. The funeral was Sunday. If you go to her website: www.caringbridge.org/visit/millergracecassetty you can read the words that her Momma, Emily wrote. You will also get to see just how beautiful of a little girl she is and that's resting in the Arms of Jesus now. Keep praying for Matt & Emily and of course their other two little girls Hope and Matilyn and the rest of their family. I love Emily like you just don't know and she's such a blessing in my life. My heart aches for her that she has to know this pain. A pain that no mother should ever have to know, yet far too many of us do.

Well I better head back to the basement and then it's time to start dinner. I have to clean up the kitchen before starting dinner. Thankfully it won't take long for any of it (the cleaning or the cooking). I just have a few things in the sink and we're having fish and mac-n-cheese...nice and easy! Which with the way my back is aching is what sounds perfect to me. I just have about 3 to 4 weeks until this little girl is born!! I can't wait to hold her in my arms!

God Bless

1 comment:

  1. Ah...I don't miss the days of the community laundry room - remember, I had "bianca" the one who did laundry EVERY SINGLE day, and would get SO mad if you used "her" washer and dryer. And of course, the dryer was the only one that worked well. Luckily, I only had 3 flights of stairs, and I learned VERY early on to leave my laundry soaps down in the storage room - LOCKED UP, of course.

    I totally forgot that it gets dark SO late in Germany! I was just complaining that 9:30 seemed awfully late for fireworks here...oops!

    Can't wait to see pictures of your little darling. I know she'll look just like you!
