Tuesday, July 10, 2007

We have a date! Our baby girl should be here on August 3. I go next Monday and get registered and take a tour of the hospital I'm having her in. I'll also meet the dr who'll be performing my c-section and he'll do an exam. I need to talk to a friend of mine and see if she can watch the boys for me while Chad and I go up there and get it all taken care of. The hospital's about 30 minutes away aprox. I'll have a private room and Chad will get to stay with me. I will also be talking to my dr about how long I'll be staying after she's born. German's keep you longer (think America 30 years ago). For vaginal they like to keep you on average of 5 days and c-sections 8-10 days. There's no way I'm staying at the hospital for that long. I'll stay for 5 days and even for me that's stretching it. The thought of being there more than just a couple days just is not sounding pleasant to me at all! But I'll suck it up and do it! LOL

A friend of ours has offered to keep the boys. It works out perfectly. We kept her son when she had her daughter in January. All the kids get along great. Her dh is currently deployed so the fact that she's taking both our boys for a few days is such a blessing.

I better get off of here. I have some laundry to do. Our new furniture should be getting delivered anytime. Oh the fun never stops! LOL


  1. Goodness...new furniture...a baby date...so much FUN!

    Which hospital are you having the baby in?

  2. I still just LOVE Legos. And I'm sure Dora Elizabeth will too ;-)
