Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Jackson's 4th Birthday

Jack's birthday was yesterday (28th) and he had a great day! For the last oh 9 months he's told me he wanted a Batman cake...well Daddy being the creative/artist of the family free handed Batman on his cake! He did an awesome job IMHO!! We let Jack invite 4 friends and their families over! We did the party in the backyard and they had so much fun. They mostly all ran around and played. We did get him a Lighting McQueen (Cars) Pinata. His favorite gift wasn't from us! LOL My friend B got him a pirates dress up and he wore it all day today and went to sleep in the pants and will probably end up wearing it all day tomorrow too...just my guess. He even went to the CAC in it and to Jacob's soccer practice in it! LOL Oh to be 4! Sweet, sweet 4!

We grilled burgers and hotdogs, had 7 layer dip, my friend B brought her Taco Salad which everyone who tries it LOVES it!It was really such a nice and relaxed party! It'd be nice if we could do something that relaxed for Jacob, but since he's got a January birthday it can't be as relaxed...although we're debating on what to do still..thinking of doing it at Playmobil so all we'd have to do is bring a cake and decide how many kids he can invite and pay for the child he invites (Playmobil is insanely cheap). We'll cross that bridge when January rolls around! :)

Either way...Jack's 4 now, it seems like yesterday he was born. I don't know how these years fly by. I wish I could just slow time down a little. I don't wish away a day with my children. I want them to BE children. I want them to have a carefree childhood, I want them to know joy, true joy that only Jesus can give them, I want them to always feel safe and secure, and look back and say "I had a happy childhood". I think too many people can't say that, I want that desperately for my children.

I pray that this next year for Jackson is one of many joys, little sadness, lots of laughter, and growing closer to Jesus.


  1. What an awesome family picture! Everybody looks so happy :-) And you're right, the Batman cake is WAY cool. Chad rocks!

  2. Great cake, Chad!

    And where does one go about getting that pirate dress up kit? Because I have a little boy who would LOVE to be a pirate for Halloween...actually, he has INSISTED he be a pirate this year. He has one really cheap dress up (and we got the "skull cap" from McD's with the Pirates of the Caribbean happy meals), but he would SO love the whole outfit.

    So...if it was German, let me know...that'll go on my list of stuff I want you to send to me soon!!!

    BTW, you look GREAT!!!!

  3. Hehehe... leaving you a comment! Glad to join you here!

