Thursday, August 09, 2007

She's Here!!

Our sweet, precious Emma Grace arrived August 3! She weighed 7 lbs 13 oz! She's perfect and we're all in love with her! The boys are just in love with her. Jack was meant to be a big brother! He is constantly kissing her, touching her, looking at her, etc. Jacob too! He loves to just look at her and give her sweet light kisses! We're truly blessed to have this little girl in our lives!
Emma and I came home yesterday (August 8). German hospitals like to keep you longer than American ones and of course only CNN in English, no internet. Thank goodness we have laptops and dvd's. I read 2 books, 6 magazines, watched I think 8 movies, played solataire, and just looked and loved on Emma! The boys came up everyday but Tuesday. They didn't know Emma and I were coming home on Wednesday so I was able to surprise them when we picked them up from VBS. Jack wasn't at all interested to see me, instead his greeting was "where's my sister"? and when he found out she was in the car with Daddy he was off to the car to see her! Jacob was happy to see me, hugged and kissed me and walked with me to the car and then got in to be close to Emma! :) We are so blessed and truly thankful for Emma. She's a blessing to our family and truly an answer to our prayers!


  1. I have been waiting and WAITING to see this precious little face! How I am SO happy for you, and I DO love the name you chose...her middle name suits her, for it is by the GRACE of God that she is with you. And she does look like the rest of the family, I can tell just by looking. I can't wait to see more pictures of her...I can't!

    Congratulations to you Christy, and to Chad, and now big brother Jack, and big brother to TWO, Jacob. What a sweet little face to add to your family!

    God is GREAT!!!

  2. congrats. She's lovely. Hope you're resting and enjoying a bigger family now.

  3. Congratulations!!! God is GOOD!

  4. Oh my gosh, only CNN and NO internet - I had NO idea what a horrific ordeal you had been through ;-) But she IS almost the most beautiful thing I have ever seen!

  5. How precious--she is beautiful! And a five-day stay in the hospital--pure luxury!

  6. I was just thinking about you the other day and wondering if you had had your baby girl yet.... congrats!!! What a gorgeous baby. So glad that your husband is safe and sound and was with you. Nicely done Christy.
