Monday, September 24, 2007

Need a Cure Now

I get the Candlelighter's newsletter and emails and this came today....take a look it's 3 minutes of your life, you waste a lot more looking at junk...this could actually save a child's life and maybe another mother will not have to walk this path I'm on and will be on the rest of my life.....

Just a reminder of what's been lost, what could have been if there WAS a cure...


  1. dang you for making me bawl like a baby! and you know how wrong it is that there are so many days that I'm thankful he died instead of having to live with so many of the possible impairments. I love you!

  2. I love you. I watched the video and nearly cried. Then, there was sweet Jordyn to make me smile again. She and Miller Grace have two new playmates tonight... little Copeland AND my friend Suzanne. Heaven's just getting better and better.... ;)

  3. Oh she is so sweet. This must be one of your very favorite pictures. I will be praying tonight for you, for her, for better cancer treatments for children. Thank you for sharing.
