Monday, November 26, 2007


So I updated the page and well honestly not all that thrilled with it, but after having to read do all the links, pictures, graphics it's just staying this way for a month or two. I am SURE there's an easy way to save the links so I don't have to go in and put them all in again (I could handle the pictures). I can understand html a tiny, itty, bitty bit...but even after I TRIED it wasn't I had to redo all of it and this is what we get! I actually like the "His Name Is Jesus" (which is at the VERY bottom if you haven't noticed) but not feeling the "Gold" but oh well. is what it is and since I have no talent ultimately in the html department it's stuck this way for a while. I'm just glad there are more options now with pyzam, now if only they'd make it so they didn't lose all your widgets everytime...that'd be really nice! :)

Emma on Thanksgiving (chilling in our friends

little stroller so we could at least make our

plates! Trust me she wasn't staying in there

anylonger than that!)

So Thanksgiving was wonderful. We spent it with friends of ours B&T. T is home for R&R right now and what a blessing. Because of his job, he has a beard and rather long hair...although today he was supposed to shave and cut his hair back to a good ol' military cut, he has to get his DA photo taken. Not sure if he was going to do that (the pic) or not because they were heading down to Edelweiss today for the week. Anyways...B made the turkey, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoe casserole (which I did not taste and No Kelly I didn't have to either! Bobbie confirmed it was GROSS and deamed me SMART for NOT trying it! ROFL), pumpkin pies, & corn. I made a turkey here at home so Chad could have his left overs that he desperately wanted and I could have the broth (sorry the canned stuff just doesn't cut it!)..I used the broth for my bread stuffing that I make from scratch (my mom's recipe), home made noodles, homemade bread, greenbean casserole, and choc. pies (2). Dinner was GREAT!!!! We all ate too much of course, a lot of laughing. We then played Spades and Sequence (my favorite card and board games!!). We got home a few minutes after 9 after helping B clean up everything, and the boys helping clean up the bedroom.

Friday we headed to Rothenburg (pronounced wrote-n-burg). It's a beautiful city! The old city is still surrounded by a Wall and multiple towers throughout the wall. It's just absolutely wonderful. It's a definate tourist attraction and the two times I've been there, both times I've met American's who are simply over here for vacation. It's definately a must see! (The bold words are linked!) We got checked into our hotel and found that we had probably the best room there! We were in the front and had a balcony that had a perfect backdrop of one of the towers and part of the wall! Our room was huge too, which of course I forgot to take pictures of the room go figure! Friday it was raining, but that didn't stop us. B&T was there too and so we all ventured out and headed to the old town and towards the shopping district! B bought a couple things, but I just looked to get idea's. That evening we had dinner back at the hotel with the rest of the group from the chapel that went with us (oh I forgot to explain our Chaplain wanted to do something for us 20% who does most of the volunteer work at the they got us hotel rooms, dinner, and breakfast and then the rest of the time was ours to do as we wished!). Dinner was GREAT! We did a little game of charades and then we all went back to our rooms. B&T's son came to our room for a bit and then they and their daughter came over for a couple hours and just hung out and talked. Saturday morning we went to breakfast, checked out of the hotel, and off to shopping we went! B& I and our girls went one way while all the guys went and walked the wall and then did their own thing and we then met up after that, had lunch, and headed home! I did find a few Christmas presents on Saturday. Got my best friend something (she reads this so I can't say what it is!!), got my Grandpa and his wife (who I adore) a birdhouse (they collect them). Got my best friends 6 yr old son A a nutcracker, he loves them! This one is really old. I do need to clean him up a bit, but it was an awesome find! Got Emma a Boy and Girl Porclein German dolls (note to self need to get them for Emily's girls...birthday presents??!! Remind me Emily!) Chad got me something. Oh B also got me a Snowman picture frame (has 4 small frames so I can put a picture of each of my children in it!! Wahoo! Oh I love snowmen btw!

The boys on the balcony of our room

with the wall and tower in the bkgd

The boys with a knight outside a store

in Rothenburg

We headed home after lunch and then went to a bon fire that the chapel and Hospitality House was hosting. We roasted hotdogs, brats, and had smores! There was hot chocolate (which was sooo good), Apple Cider which was homemade (Chad said it was the best he ever had..I never ended up drinking any darn it), baked beans (I don't like them so I didn't eat them!). The kids played and had a great time. We just fellowshipped and had a wonderful time. We ended up singing hymns, Christian songs, and a few Christmas songs. It was so nice. We're truly blessed with the people we're surrounded by!

So that's about it! Oh Emma! Little Miss Emma decided to learn how to roll over last Tuesday. Daddy got home last Tuesday after being out in the field for 3 weeks. She was working her way to rolling over, but would get caught her that pesky arm that got in the way...well Daddy showed her ONE time how to move that and that's all it took. There's been no stopping her since then. Everytime I turn around she's rolling over. She's rolling from her back to her stomach, although once I've caught her roll back to her back. I'm not ready for her to start doing this. Oh and Sunday at church while my friend A took our family picture, well before she took the picture she put Emma down and was saying "ok now crawl" I told her to shut her mouth! She's not even 4 months and I'm in absolutely NO RUSH for her to be mobile. She needs to just remain a helpless baby for a while longer imo!

Miss Emma on Sunday after church

The boys are doing great! Growing too fast, are too smart for their own good, and both are REALLY happy Daddy's home!

1 comment:

  1. Miss Emma is lovely! Those eyes...I do hope they stay that blue!!! Sounds like a good time was had by all in Rothenburg odT!
