Thursday, October 16, 2008

Picture slide show from Prague and Poland

We had a wonderful time on our trip. I do think we did too much in too short of a time, but hey live and learn! My wonderful friend who I went with is moving soon, most likely (they're just waiting on their orders-sniff-sniff). Prague is stunning. If there was a bad part it was that I forgot Emma's blanket (I'd asked Jacob to grab it and he left it in the dining room, right along with me leaving her coat! I did get her jacket at least), and that it was very hazy out most of the day. We'd have times where it was as clear as could be and then the sun would go and a haze would settle in. But, that haze could NOT take away from the stunning beauty of Prague. I can say imo it's definately one of, if not the most beautiful city I've been to so far in our 3 yrs of living in Germany/Europe! We also went to Wroclaw, Poland. On our way we passed a castle that sat up on top of a mountain, so we turned around and drove up there. It was well worth the short out of the way drive and the break was really nice. The views were beautiful, the kids had a blast running around, the leaves were beautiful and Emma really enjoyed playing in them. We arrived in Wroclaw and didn't have hotel reservations (BAD, BAD,BAD) but we were blessed with a nice and pretty affordable hotel, that even had a pool so my friends husband took the 3 little boys swimming in their underwear! Hey when in Europe! It really seems like most of the little boys have suits that look like underwear! There wasn't anyone down in the pool, so the boys had a blast and they were able to burn energy. While they were down in the pool, we had pizza on the way (being delivered!! Wahoo!!), the girls got to run around the hotel room and play and relax.

Of the 8 of us traveling 5 of us had a stomach thing. Imodiam AD helped take care of it and of course it was during our drive from Wroclaw onto Boleslawiec, Poland that we got to deal with that. God was merciful though and it wasn't too awful other than for my friend B, she definately suffered the most poor thing. When we got to Boleslawiec we had fun shopping for pottery. The boys were all very excited to see a pottery store and were truly AMAZED at all the pottery. My favorite store has a couch and table with a few toys, paper, and crayons to keep the kids busy. They were allowed to step into that store and our very first stop (which if looking at the pictures, the one with the HUGE pottery outside...Emma's sitting on the cup!). The other store (with the couch, etc/my favorite store has pottery on the floor, shelves, hanging on the name it. They have a picket fence setion up when you first walk in, so the boys all looked over that and my boys agreed they did NOT want to go in there! LOL FEAR is good!!!

The spent the rest of the time in B's van with her husband, watching a movie and playing games.

We got a few pieces, not too much since pottery really was not something either of us had saved for. I'm so glad we got to have that experience though of going together at least once. I'm sad that most likely we won't get a full Girls weekend. :( That's the Army life.

I only shared a small portion of the over 350 pictures I took. It gives you a nice glimpse of our trip at least!!

It's really, really late (or early depending on how you view 4:40 AM) so I have to get to bed. My kids will be up way too soon and I have a busy day ahead of me!

Oh tomorrow/Friday night B and I are going to play bingo! It's actually a fundraiser event for my battalions FRG and I made one of the baskets that's a prize (it's Basket Bingo!!)...I'm excited and we're hoping we each win! Last time we won at basket bingo!! We hired a babysitter(s). A friend of ours she's in her 20's and then a teen boy. They'll have 5 kids with 2 being under 2 yrs old. We're also ordering pizza for all of them. I'm bringing my airpopper over so they can have popcorn, and just have a fun time! Us Momma's are really looking forward to the rare break and time together with probably a lot of laughter!!!

God Bless and Goodnight!


  1. Sounds like yall had a wonderful time. The pictures are great!

  2. sounds like a wonderful time! I'm Polish through and through; I'd love to see Poland some time


  3. Hi
    I'm getting caught up here, I've had some bad days with a new medicine I'm taking, but today I've been able to sit up all day without being dizzy or sick.

    It sounds like you had a wonderful trip....the pictures are awesome!! I'd sure like to visit there some day.

    Pooh Hugs,

  4. What an amazing trip. Awesome pics. It is wonderful that you are experiencing all this travel while you are overseas. You older kids will always have these memories (as will you!).
