Thursday, November 27, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving

I hope today you and your family focus on all you have to be thankful for.

To be an American and our freedom's.

For those of you who like me are Christians,

That Christ died for US.

For your family, even in all its craziness would you trade them?

For our Military men and women.

I for one am especially grateful that I'm married to a man who's chosen to give up years to serve his country. There's only 4 % of all American's who walk this path of service and I'm so grateful to be married to a man who's willing to do it day in and day out.

For our homes, each of us as a warm place to be.

Focus on the good in your life.

Life is precious my friends, be thankful for each day you have, because tomorrow is not promised for a single one of us. It's not promised for you, your spouse, or even your children. I know this very well. Live well, live through love, live for Christ.

Happy Thanksgiving from my family to yours.


  1. Christy, what wonderful reminders of everything I am thankful for. Happy Thanksgiving.
    btw.. the pictures looks great over here. : )

  2. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!!!! Leene

  3. I do hope you too had a nice Thanksgiving. My thoughts were with you and your family today as I sat down to eat our holiday meal.

    I spent a lot of time talking to my brother about our dad today. The first time since his return from Kosovo that either of us really talked about things alone. Tough conversation.

    Needless to say, I was reminded that this time last year he was not with us...and that led to thoughts of you and your family....know that I am thankful too for the sacrifices you and your family make for this country and no matter what people might say about our military men and women, I will always stand behind them because of what they do for my family here.

    Regards to Chad and all of you....and Happy Thanksgiving Christy.

  4. Christy - wishing you and your family a blessed Thanksgiving!

    Praying you know how much we all appreciate the sacrfice you and your husband make for all of us here in USA!

    I for one thank all of the service men, women and their families!

    Blessings and hugs,
