Monday, November 03, 2008

Not Me Monday

MckMama did not one this week, but hey no one said the rest of us couldn't!! She's a little busy with MckMuffin home, nursing, diapering, you know and juggling 3's a little busy!
Join in! Just make sure to go to her page and read the RULES! :)
I did NOT agree to take on my friends two kids for 4 days this week, no not me, I'd never be crazy enough to do that!
I did not get less than 4 hours of sleep last night, and now be wired AGAIN. Not me!
Emma did not take off her shoes Saturday night on the way home, then proceed to take off her socks, while we were WALKING (she was in the stroller) and it was only about 35 degree's outside and I did not possibly get down and tell her to knock it off, no not me.
I did not stay up late last night cleaning, because I'm most definately NOT a procrastinator. NOT ME!
I did not yell at my husband via the internet phone last night, he's just in Iraq, in a war zone, missing us, so I most definately would not take what little time we have to get annoyed with him and actually yell at him over something silly. Not me, I'm the ideal Army wife don't you know that?
I did not vote via absentee ballot. Not a chance. I do not care who my husband's next BIG BOSS is, who cares about who the next Commander and Chief is? I don't think it matters if one has military experience and the other has none, not me. I don't care that one wants to take our country into socialism, I think democracy is over rated. No, you see I did not vote, oh no...not me!
With that...did you vote?


  1. Awesome entry! And yes, I voted. Hope everybody does. God bless you.

  2. Not me either! I know what you mean Christy! I've done too many not me's lately. I do wish I could vote! This is it. I am definitely going to try and become a citizen! I can't stand not being able to vote and I LOVE This country toomuch not to! God Bless~ And be a little easier on yourself will ya?! Love Carolyn

  3. I did...I cast my ballot with early voting last Thursday. I had to go to the county office to "verify" since I was a first-time voter in KS. So while I was there, I decided to vote...there was NO line, which was nice. I would love to do the whole election day thing with my kids in tow (they encourage you to bring your K-6th graders, and they are allowed to vote, though their votes aren't counted, of course...K-2 only vote for president, the others can vote for all the ballots). But I'm coming down with something, which makes me happy to know I already voted.

  4. great post!! Oh yes, tomorrow-we vote!!! Its going to be very interesting!! :) LA
