Friday, October 31, 2008


Our day was good. Last night my friend's son spent the night. They had fun, stayed up late watching a movie, had popcorn...were little boys! They were up too early this morning! Emma and I got up, and I started on breakfast...french toast. The older two boys each had a 2nd piece, Jack and Emma filled up on one. I took a quick shower, rushed around getting ready, got Emma dressed, had the boys get dressed then we were off because I had a facial this morning, well it was micro abrasion/ about 50% relaxing and enjoyable. Chad actually called while I was there, because we had a VTC today and he was just confirming!

We rushed home after my facial so I could get the kids changed into their Halloween costumes, then off to the Battalion we rushed. They were running behind, they had a late start, getting things set up/connected on our end, and then they gave one family some extra time, because it was Daddy's first time seeing his 4 month old daughter! (Ahhhh!!) So our Noon was pushed back to 12:30. We walked into the conference room and there he was, ready and sitting to talk! The kids were excited and Emma too. Chad got to see Emma walk for the first time, which was sweet and just a blessed moment. The boys took up most of the time talking to Daddy, while I took about 2 minutes. Emma even jabbered quite a bit. The 15 minutes flew by and before we knew it, we were given our 3 minute warning. I hurried and took a picture

It's rather blurry, but that's ok! Emma was ticked. She was hungry, tired, and did NOT want to be held (she wanted to walk around). Yes that's our Soldier Man behind the kids! :) So see we got to spend a bit of our day with him!! We are so blessed to live in the days we do. To think that with the amazing advances in technology we can have a real time conversation with our soldier, who's pretty well lifesize!

The rest of our day was filled with lunch, a small amount of school work, all the kids napping, talking to Emily on the phone for a bit, and making dinner (meatloaf and mashed potatoes and sweet peas). I wanted to make sure the kids had a good meal in their tummy before eating the candy! After that we went trick or treating, which is the LAST TIME. I HATE scary costumes, don't want those images in my children's heads. That lasted 45 minutes then we headed to the youth gym, for our Fall Festival which was sponsored by our Chapel and MWR. The kids had a blast! There were 4 jump houses, a box maze, face painting, fishing, duck fishing, balloon darts, and other games, and lots of candy! Emma loved getting on the toddler jump house and jumping! She was so cute, on her little knee's jumping. The boys were all over the place having a blast!

That's all we're doing from here on out, at least while we live here. Only wholesome, appropriate costumes were allowed. It was truly a fun night! Emma btw really got into getting candy. We also took our downstairs neighbor boy with us. Mom is deployed and Dad stayed home with baby sister. He was really, really good. Unfortunately I didn't get any good pictures of just my 3, so tomorrow I'll have to try again with them in their costumes.

Emma enjoying a sucker at the Fest.

Emma at home, getting ready to get a drink.

My boys went home with B, so they'll be home at some point tomorrow! I brought T our neighbor home and dropped him off. His Dad offered to let the boys spend the night there next weekend, we shall see.

Ok totally off subject, but my upstairs neighbor is walking around in freaking high heals and I'm about to lose my mind. I mean serious, come inside and take those stupid shoes off. She does this quite a bit on the weekends and tonight it's just on my last nerve! I'm just not a big fan of wearing shoes inside. I like to take them off for the dirt factor, as well as the comfort factor, so normally before we even walk in everyone's shoes are

Ok so I guess that's it! Oh Jack disappeared on me tonight, we had to go back and get his bucket that he'd left in the gym and then he just left the gym. I was searching for him, terrified. He'd went and joined my friend B, waiting for me. I was so scared I was in tears. I popped his behind and then hugged him and just cried. We talked about how he can't EVER do that again. I've lost one child, by no control of my own...I will not lose another when it's in my control. He's safe though and that's the most important thing. The boys did each get a pumpkin though! We were not able to get one this year, so now they have two. They want to paint on them, so we'll do that. They want to keep them until Thanksgiving. I doubt they last that long, but we'll keep them for as long as we can! I'm hoping since we're not carving they'll last longer.

Ok well as hard as I try, I can NOT keep my eyes open. I hope you all had a good Halloween!


  1. I am so glad that you guys were able to video confrence with Chad. I know how much my girls love seeing Dad and can tell your kids love it just as much. We do the webcam but that's only once a month or so - I'm not complaining though. The costumes are just adorable - Emma is too cute. I'm with you on going to things at the church - we walked around this year but both my girls said next year they want to go to the family night at church. I hope that you have a good rest of the weekend. Leene

  2. That is great the kids get to see Dad and you too.....
    and how cute are their costumes...
    Have a blessed Sunday!

  3. Emma looked so cute in her costume! seems like you all had a great day! so glad you got to connect with Chad; awesome with technology!


  4. Hurray for technology...I'm glad you were able to teleconference with Chad! Emma was a sweet little lamb!

    Remember when I used to complain about my upstairs neighbors (who blessedly left a few months after we got there, THANK GOD IN HEAVEN!). They put their kids together in the master BR, and took the other room (over where Hannah's room was) as their bedroom. They would close off the door to the mini-hall/bath/master area, and ignore their kids, and I SWEAR they gave them marbles to play with at 6:00 a.m. Because you'd hear things ping to the floor, then roll...the the thud of feet chasing whatever it was...then it would go on and on. While mom and dad slept in bliss away from it all. Made me want to go upstairs and stomp in the stairs late at night!

  5. Cute costumes. That is awesome that you got to see your hubby on the sat. I'm sure he loved watching the baby walk.
    Take care, Chrissie
