Friday, January 23, 2009

I have an addiction...Bows

After waiting 7 yrs to have another little girl, God blessed me with Emma. I love all things girly! I love pinks and purples. Baby dolls, pretty clothes, dresses, and BOWS, BOWS, BOWS! I know you don't see a lot of pictures of Emma with them on her head, but that's because although I LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE them, her love affair has not quite taken off, but I know it will! She's getting better about wearing them for longer periods of times. I also have taken to showing her what she looks like with them on in the mirror! Lets just say it's one way I'm getting through this deployment...oh who am I kidding...deployed or not, bows I will buy (and did before he left!). I honestly am not sure how many we have, I'll count tomorrow...I'm going to guess about 40 give or take! :X I Told you it's an addiction, obsession....what ever you want to call it. I love them.

I have SHARED this love with many friends here on post, so there's all kinds of little girls walking around with cute bows! And a few of my online friends like Lori !

So where do I get these fabulous items????

The ladies there are AWESOME!!!!!!!!!! Tracy and Allison are two friends who have 7 children between them (although when they started their venture they had 5..hence FIVEblessedbows!!). They're Christian Momma's who hand make each bow. They're also insanely fast! I mean it FAST. Last Wed. I went to my friend Heather's and helped her order a bunch of bows. They mailed the bows on Friday and she got them yesterday!!!! Just think if you live in the states how fast you'd get them!!!!
I HIGHLY recommend them and IF you do let them know I sent you, email me privately if I know you and I'll give you my last name ( I know a few of you know it already). The bows are wonderful and if you have a bald baby like me (or just insanely little amounts of hair, they sell head bands for the bows!!! Oh and Emma's a model on there, on the baby bows you'll see her!!! :)

Ok I've done my blogging and obession duty! ROFL Enjoy!!!!!!!!
Here's a few of Emma:

So if you join in with the obessesion let me know! Amanda and both really need to get some bows!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)


  1. Absolutely adorable. Her smile is priceless. How fun for you and what a blessing. Take care and enjoy,

  2. I wish i had known about these bows when my girls were little and bald. So cute. I think my fave is the pink headband one...the first picture. So sweet. I love them all, but that is my fav.

  3. I got the girls each one with a matching hoddie and tee for Christmas. We are using them for our V-Day pictures this weekend!


  4. Well, cool. There is finally one obsession I don't have to worry about getting hooked on. I don't think my 19 and 17 year old girls are going to let me put bows on them.

    Don't worry about the addiction. It's certainly not as expensive as some as I have (stamping, scrapbooking, and Steelers).

    I've never seen a 12 step program for bows so I think you're ok.

  5. Hello Miss Christy,

    That is one more beautiful little girl with all those bow. My daughter is such a tomboy with two brothers.

    God Bless


  6. I love bows too! I can identify. My daughter has bows to match every color imaginable. lol

    I share in your addiction.


  7. Your right I do! And I think I will be ordering some... I will let them know who sent me!!

    God bless-

  8. She is such a doll!! She is so precious!!

  9. If I had a little girl I would definately be gettin her all dolled up in those adorable bows...

    Emma is soooo beautiful :)

    Love all the pics

