Friday, January 30, 2009


It's now Jan 31 here in Germany and my sweet Jacob is 8 years old now. Oh how the years have flown. God has blessed me with this little boy. God knew how he'd bless my heart with him. I did not know how I'd be able to love him. I was still in deep grief from Jordyn's death and so fearful of not being able to love him. God was graceful for allowing us to have Jacob.
Jacob is kind and gentle. He loves the Lord with all his heart. He is nice to others, even when they're not always nice back. He is gentle with Emma, yet can get as rough and tumble as can be. He is not afraid to say "I love you, Mom" in front of anyone, including his friends! He still kisses me goodnight without inhibition. He has a gift for prayer. He does it straight from the heart, straight to the Lord. He begins and ends his prayers with "Heavenly Father" and it's the most beautiful words to my ears.
I pray this little boy always has the compassion and love that he has in his heart. I pray that his relationship with the Lord continues to grow and grow and that he will never doubt what the Lord has laid before him, no matter how hard or challenging it may be. I pray that before he seeks anyone else's advice, he seeks the Lords first and last. I pray he'll remain a little boy after God's heart and continues to be a man after God's heart in the future.

My prayer for Jacob this year though is that he will continue to love the Lord and enjoy being 8. That he will laugh more than he cries. That he will smile more than he frowns. That he will love deeper than he ever dislikes. That he continues to be who HE is and not what others try to make him. That he never gives into peer pressure, and continues to be exactly who GOD has made him.
I am truly blessed to be his Mom. He's leaving the Mommy stage and although it makes me sad to a degree, I find joy in the fact that as much as I'd love for him to remain little for years and years to come, he's getting older and through natural process I've become simply "Mom" and I'm ok with that! :) Every once in a while Mommy is slipped in and I praise our Lord for those continued, though rare moments of being younger.
Jacob has a special relationship with his dad. There's an unmistakable bond between them and I am so happy they have that. Little boys NEED their dad's. Little boys need a strong man to teach them how to be men. They need to be shown how to do little boy things, how to be a father, husband, and friend. I'm so blessed all my children have that in their lives. It hurts them deeply to have their dad off in Iraq, but there's never a moment where they wonder if their dad loves them, they know he does. Jacob will be a fine man, if he grows up to be like his dad and I see it already in many ways. How blessed am I?
So to my "Little Man"...Jacob, Happy 8th birthday buddy. I love you and I'm so proud of you.

Jacob 9 lbs 3 oz

Jacob and Dad on his 1st birthday....Jan 31, 2002
Jacob his last night being 7 yrs old.


  1. Happy Birthday to Jacob - I hope he has a great day.

  2. That is so sweet. Happy Birthday Jacob!!!!

  3. Happy Birthday Jacob!

    That was such a sweet entry!

  4. Just precious! Happy Birthday Jacob!

  5. Happy Birthday Jacob! Hope you all have a wonderful day!

  6. Christy, I know how much you love all your children, but Jacob really has a special place in your family. He seems like such a kind and gentle young man, very protective and sensitive toward his momma, and very much the man of the house while Chad's away. He strikes me as being so loyal and a bit of an old soul.

    Not to mention, he is stinkin' adorable. Happy Birthday Jacob! We love you!
    Lisa & Aidan

  7. He has grown so much! Happy Birthday Jacob!

  8. Happy 8th Birthday, sweet Jacob!! You are a blessing to so many.

  9. Hello Miss Christy,

    Such a great entry! so Heart felt, My baby girl turns eight on Sunday. Happy Birthday to Jacob.

    God Bless


  10. Happy Birthday Jacob!
    And so glad your dad will be home soon. :)

  11. Christy, you gotta stop makin' me cry!! LOL What a beauuuuuuuutiful love letter. Loved it.

    Hope J-boy had the best b-day. ;o)


  12. This just blesssed my heart so much to read... you have to save it and give it to him one day... the things you have said here, they are just priceless. I think I am in love! What a beautiful little man of God...

    Happy Birthday Jacob!!

    Many blessings-

  13. Happy (belated) birthday Jacob!!


  14. Happy Birthday Jacob!Christy, that was real sweet! They grow up too fast though, but it's nice to see him growing up to be a Godly "little" man~ God Bless you all~

  15. What a wonderful tribute to a wonderful boy! I LOVED this entry and pray the same things for my son. :)
