Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ok now that I followed MckMama's rules...lets play!

This will not be a shorter than normal blog because I'm holding my little girl right now.

I am definitely not holding Miss Emma because she woke up screaming her head off and then proceeded to puke down my back, all over the floor and in my computer chair.

After cleaning off Emma after not puking all over herself, and cleaning off the floor, I did not put Emma down and she did not stand there and point at the chair and go, "Oh Momma, CHAIR-CHAIR!" and I surely did not say "oh I know baby doll, you threw up in the chair" and she did NOT look right at me and say with all the seriousness that is Emma "NO! NO!...Oh Momma, Momma Chair" Nope she did not do that!

Jackson did not wake up tonight to go to the bathroom and did not wander around in a circle in the dining room before he went the right way towards the bathroom. He absolutely did not sit down on the toilet and proceed to have an um issue going potty, stand up, in his tiredness and being 5, grab his and Jacob's towels and swing them all around in some pitiful tantrum. He most definitely did not slam the door shut. I most definitely was NOT laughing at him through all of this, because that wouldn't be nice now would it?

We were definitely not all, except Jacob, sick from colds (and Emma a fever) last week. I did not wake up on Friday finally feeling human! Jackson did not throw up on Friday, so we could not go to the Hospitality House. :( (He was fine, it was from a coughing fit, but I didn't want to chance it)

I am not far too excited that next week my husband should be in my arms at some point during the week!

It has definitely not been a long, long, long 8 months.

I will not think about hanging a sign on my door that says "DO NOT DISTURB, Bow-chicka-wow-wow!" ROFL! I did not just write that! :X

I am not still struggling deeply with insomnia. I have not been awake numerous times at 6 AM still, and have definitely not thought about just staying up so that I could maybe crash that night, out of pure exhaustion. Pure exhaustion has not taken over and waking up 2-3 hours later has not made me feel horrible.

I do not hate getting insomnia advice and medical advice from people. I just like to vent!

Jacob did not take Christmas money that he got, and buy 2 books with it! I did not feel pride at the love of reading he has! I was not proud that he spent that money on books vs some stupid toy!

I am not totally thrilled that this time next week, my husband should be out of Iraq and in Kuwait!

As you can see I am really not that excited that Chad's coming home. I could careless really. It's not a big deal. I mean what's so big about your husband being at war and not seeing him for 8 months and knowing you only get 18 days with him, and then he goes back for 5-6 more months...what do I have to be excited about??? (hehe)

I did NOT spend 4 hours on the phone with Emily tonight. My ear is not bright red and numb.

I am not thinking I may get to sleep earlier tonight than I have in about 3 weeks. I am surely not feeling tired.

Come on and join us! Tell us everything you surely did not do this past week!


  1. Ha ... I'm so glad your husband is coming home (bow chicka bow bow). I pray everyone is HEALTHY AND WHOLE.

    I'm sorry about the bug in your home. Yuck.

    I enjoyed your NMM!

  2. Love your not me for the week, especially the part about Chad. I'm sorry poor Emma got sick and will pray that she's better for your time when Chad is at home. Take care - Leene

  3. I love it when they choose books over toys. Yeah! It will be so great when Hubby gets home..I know you are very excited!
    Praying the house is healthy again.

  4. There always seems to be a lot of throwing up going on at your house. What is up with that?! LOL

    And four hours on the phone?! I don't think I've done that since I've been married. LOL

  5. Hang the sign girl. You deserve it.

    I'm excited for you that your hubby is coming home. God bless both of you.

  6. I'm glad you're getting to see your hubby. I hope you and the kids have a wonderful time with him.

  7. That was great! I'm so glad that your husband is coming home. I hope that your kids are feeling better, especially little Emma. So what did I not do...

    I did not cry my eyes out after getting off the phone with my sister. Because she did not chew me out for getting pregnant for the fourth time with out health insurance. Did I do it right?

    I love reading not me Mondays. I hope you have a great Tuesday!

  8. What an absolutely funny not me... you are such a real mommy... just like me! i love it!!

    Prayers for chads safe return-
