Friday, January 23, 2009

Yes Another!

I know, I know all these entries in one day! Hey the last couple have been short and this one will be too, so read and obey, and you'll be good!

My sweet friend Lisa has finally started blogging, after being a silent stalker for quite some time of blogs! Please go visit her, she's brand new to the blogger world and I think as she blogs more, you'll love her like I do! One big thing...I have met her IRL and have actually stayed at her home! She's fabulous! Oh and Lori dear...she's a Steeler's fan too! See you two already have a bond! LOL Seriously though...go visit her!


  1. I'll go visit her now.

    Have a great weekend!

  2. Christy, thanks so much for the push for new blogging friends. I love it.

    I am going to look into the Esther Bible study. I think I could get a few friends to do it with me.

  3. ok i sm ALL caught up! :)

    love you

