Monday, February 09, 2009

Not Me Monday

If you want to play go on over and read the rules and join in!
Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

It is not me who's celebrating my birthday, I'm surely not going to tell you my age, 32, and I sure am not completely enjoying my 30's. No as women we're not supposed to enjoy our 30's. Phhhh

It is NOT me whose husband is home from Iraq for R&R and is pretty sure not
a single person who does this can top these first two! Wahoo! LOL

It is not me who's taken a nap a few times the last few days!

It is not my husband who is making me a birthday dinner! I am surely NOT bragging! LOL

It is not me who's getting a van at the end of the week either! (It's used, but it's a van none the less)

It is not me who'll be in Salzburg, Austria next Monday so I will not be able to participate next week! wahoo! LOL

I do not have to go because my birthday dinner is done! LOL

Have a great week and join in!


  1. I'm so happy for you, Christy! Happy B-Day again! ( I can tell you all week, right?, if you're anything like my girls and have to have a whole birthday "week"!)


    FY: your word verification word is "blesser" :o)

  2. Happy birthday to you! I enjoyed your list!

  3. Happy Birthday and enjoy that dinner!

  4. Please try your link again with spaces between the words.

  5. Happy birthday! It is a great blessing that your hubby's home. Please thank him for his service from our family.

    My daughter loves the music. She won't let me go to another site.


  6. Happy Birthday Christy!!!!

    You sound so happy! Have a great day and a great week!

    BTW, if you think the 30's are good, just wait until you hit the 40's - even better!


  7. ok, so i left a comment on the other blog too! i'm so excited that your chad is home! what a relief! my cousin's husband has served 2 tours inthe past 3 years and it's been hard.

    anyway, i think you stumbled on my blog thru not me...and isn't the world small??? did you know that jay at half time lessons is doing a fundraiser and that's what the button is for?? such a good thing.

    you have a super fab fam...and i'm so glad u DID NOT do anything like i DID NOT do either!

  8. Happy Birthday. What a great gift, in having your husband home. Enjoy your birthday dinner, and later. ;o)

  9. What a wonderful gift to have your hubby home for your birthday! Enjoy each day together! Happy birthday Sister!

    Bless you!

  10. Sorry I'm late! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!

  11. Happy Belate Birthday!!! We both turned 32 within days of each other!!

    I am SOOOO happy for you that Chad is home and all is going well...

    You deserve the love, time, affection, and relief!!

    Many blessings!

  12. Happy belated birthday!!! I can't wait to keep reading and hear about your visit with the hubby!
