Tuesday, March 10, 2009


Ok so I've calmed down! I'm still seriously annoyed with them, but I know I'll get everything straightened out and all will be fine. Thanks for the support and prayers. I do think Satan is trying to get at me any way he can and this is one way he is trying.

He won't get in and won't win. It's not an option.


  1. He tried to get to me today to ... had the PERFECT opportunity too. We'll talk. ;o)


  2. I am finally all caught up with you!!! I will never get that behind again. :)

  3. I'm glad you calmed down. I know it's a frustrating situation but we all know getting upset and frustrated doesn't get us anywhere!

    Have a good day tomorrow.

  4. God's gotcha! He loves you and your familly. All is well. Lean. I'm leaning hard and for the first time. It feels good. I can't do it all. But He can. Thankfully. I'm praying they can get it straight soon!

  5. Praying you get all this SS business straightened out soon. I'll be praying for you and just so you know I added you to my bible study prayer list last week. God just put it on my heart to really get your family lifted up in prayer. :)
