Monday, March 30, 2009

My Jordyn

I am not sure if I'll be able to write this completely out as I want. Today 11 yrs ago I became a mother. I never knew a love like that, and never knew that all the pain of bringing her into this world would be worth it and I can say this without a doubt I'd go through it all over again 1000 times, to bring her into this world.

I'm finding myself actually at a loss for words right now. I wish so much she was here to blow out the candles on her cake. I wish I was trying to figure out what to buy for an 11 yr old little girl, how to keep her dressed like a little girl as she grows into a preteen. What might have beens are all over the place, but one thing is not....she's with GOD today and wow what a birthday that must be! Can you imagine being with our Savior, the one who knitted us in the womb, he created us and MY little girl gets to celebrate the day he brought her into this world.
Happy Birthday my beautiful girl, eleven years ago you made me a mother.


  1. You found the right words..beautiful. ~Mary

  2. What a precious post. It truly must have been so hard for you to write this post. You are right, she is blessed & being taken care of by the best parent ever...our Heavenly Father! Wow...that is awesome.

  3. Christy, I LOVED the slideshow! Jordyn has such a light in her eyes and a warm smile. It is clear how she brought joy to everyone.

    I do not pretend to know how you are feeling today, other than to say I know what you mean about a mother's love. When we become mothers, everything changes.

    I am smiling, crying, and rejoicing today as I think about Jordyn - her impact on me (and many others), her wonderful new life, and the hurt as her sweet mama misses her. (((((((((Christy)))))))


  4. Through the tears ... thinking of you today. :o(


  5. God must have put you on my heart today. This morning I was thinking specifically about you and wondering when Jordyn's birthday/heaven day so I could remember her with you. Then I read your post.

    Hugs and prayers for you today.

  6. Prayers your way. The loss of a child so young can only mean they are an angel on your shoulder. Your words... They are most beautiful.

  7. Beautiful post Christy. My thoughts are with you today.

  8. Beautiful tribute for a beautiful little girl!!!

    Happy Birthday in Heaven Jordyn!!

    Lighting a candle in memory of Jordyn and also my Grandma who passed away 10yrs ago today...

    Thinking of you and keeping ya'll in my prayers...

    Big Hugs!


  10. I hope to never be in your shoes... but my oh my, how beautifully you have filled them. She would be (IS!) so proud of you and how you have impacted this world...sharing her story and yours, sharing her struggles as well as your own...

    You are so precious dear Christy!

    Many blessings-

  11. I tried to comment on this post when it came up, but blogger was being difficult and wasn't letting me log in on my desktop PC for some is the first day in many that I have been able to...I could get in on my laptop, but didn't have my blogs bookmarked!

  12. Beautiful....thinking of you and your family with many prayers.


  13. I so wanted to post here on Jordyn's birthday, but my blogger was not being kind! >:( Even though I was not able to post, please know I was thinking of you and praying for you. I love you and I'm sorry you have to hurt this way.

  14. I hit publish(instead of preview) before I could say that I don't think I will ever tire of looking at Jordyn's pictures. She is a beautiful girl, Christy, and her eyes tell of her beautiful soul. Yes she was and will always be a special, special girl.
