Monday, March 09, 2009

Prayer Requests

I wrote this last night and didn't get it posted...

Ok first I have a couple of prayer requests. First one is Kelly...her Dad is with our Lord now. Please be in prayer for her, her step mom, brothers, and all that loved her Dad. She'll be flying out tomorrow to Arizona for his funeral. Kelly I'm praying for you and love you girl.

Prayers for my brother. I don't think I've asked for him yet, but on his birthday (Feb 27) he was laid off (along with so man others). He works for the Del Monte plant in Topeka and they told them it could be a couple of weeks to months. He and his wife are actually fincially ok. They have a nice savings, he has the GI Bill coming in (he has this semester paid for already), and unemployment. He's more blessed than many others, since 2 unemployment checks will pay his house payment and the rest of their bills. They are thankfully debt free other than their house so that's a tremendous relief for them... but not having a job still makes things tight. He'd told me that he wasn't cocky in having a job, but was appreciating it and doing his part to stimulate the economy. They just bought a new washer and dryer, new hard wood floors for kitchen and utility room, and a new deep freezer. I do give Praise to our Lord that they were not only blessed to be able to do those things, but still have money saved away and only owe 1 bill. He and his wife are going to college full time. They're both working hard to get finished with school as soon as possible so that they can hopefully start working in their fields. (Misty a hospital social worker and Philip a life flight nurse, eventual ER nurse).

Thank you for praying for both Kelly and my brother and his family.

Continued prayers for Trystan. He gets chemo on Mondays and Thursdays. They are searching for a bone marrow donor. Prayers they find one quickly. Prayers for his parents Sonia and Gary and sister Kharisma.

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