Sunday, March 22, 2009


Yesterday the kids and I went to one of our local castles. It's about 5 minutes down the road.

This is a side view of it.
We went out there to take pictures of Lori's daughter's "Flat Stanley" that she sent us to take around! Later this week, we'll be going downtown and getting some great pictures of him at some of our beautiful town, and our cities castle.
It was a beautiful day, a little chilly...but the sun was shining and the kids loved running around, especially Emma! We all need sunshine in our lives and let me tell you after the winter that Germany gives, sunshine is mandatory. Unfortunately the coldness is not over. We have a chance of snow on Thursday and Saturday. Seriously the case of Spring Fever is HERE. It was so apparent today at church and tonight at Awana, as the kids (not just mine) were crazy and wild and just simply need to run outside!
So here's some more pictures of our time from yesterday.

Jacob and Jackson

Emma, Jack, and Jacob Jacob hanging out ON the Lion

Jacob, Emma, and Jack walking down one of the paths between the gardens
I know I should write more, I just feel kind of blah with writing right now. It's hard to explain honestly, but I'll try. There's things I want to write, but it takes so much out of me to write it, so I need to be truly ready emotionally.
God Bless


  1. Again, we SO appreciate it! Are the boys having fun with it? Hope so. ;o) We should do it for you . . . however, they might be sorely disappointed. haha

    Last pic is sweet. ;o)


  2. How fun. we had a Flat Stanely sent to us one was really fun!
    Beautiful castle...and I love the picture of them walking on the path. Gorgeous...that one deserves to be framed!

  3. Okay, so we're planning on going to explore over there. We went to Pottenstein this weekend. Too pretty!!

  4. (((((((((((((HGSTOYOU)))))))))))Hi there,dont know if you remember me.I love the way you set up your Blog,I love the pics of your kids,specillay the one of all 3 of them walking down the path.I ont know if I ever told you,I have a Brother and His wife and kis live in London,so they know about cod winters and I know how cold it gets there.It is hard to get your feelings out. :)

  5. Whats this? You have 2 followers named Amanda! Abomination!


    I LOVE the picture of the kids walking between the trees... talk about a beautiful picture!

    Glad you all got out and got some air.

    Many blessings-

  6. Beautiful scenery & great pictures! That castle is amazing!

  7. "Yesterday the kids and I went to one of our local castles. "

    How cool is that?! What a wonderful blessing for you and your kids to get to see so much of the world's history close up!
