Wednesday, April 15, 2009


I came across this tonight and well my title says it all. Let me tell you this is WORTH watching. I was literally brought to tears. Do you have those moments where you close out a link and think "I am better because of this" I seriously feel this way. I was just truly so overwhelmed by this.

Ok so here you go! ;)


  1. I teared up too. Amazing! I love the judges reactions.

  2. Great minds think alike Christy - I saw this yesterday and told all my buddies on facebook they had to watch. What an incredible voice and I hope people learn they can't judge someone on appearance alone. Leene

  3. This youtube has been every where today. Isn't it something? God bless this lady.

  4. I saw this on TV yesterday and I think she sounds like like an Angel!

  5. WOW is right! Thank you so much for sharing this! It was just amazing...I cried...twice! :) (Had to watch it twice). The expression on the judges faces were priceless!!!! So happy for her to get her "dream"!!!

