Friday, October 23, 2009

Big expanding news

Did I happen to mention to all of you that I'm pregnant??? I'm 8 weeks today. I'm insanely tired and very nauseated with a little morning sickness. Number 5 is due June 3, but she or he will come 1 to 2 weeks before that, because I have to have a c-section (all of mine have been c-sections so unfortunately no chance of a vaginal delivery). I need to go pick up my referral on Monday so I can call and make my drs apt. (where we are stationed we don't have OB's that work at our little clinic so we have to go off post and see a German dr, thankfully we have a list of about 10 to choose from). I should get an ultra sound at the apt. the beauty of Germany is they do them at every single apt, so I should have a few that I'll share. :)
We are really excited, and I think I "feel" more excited when I start getting some energy back. I've NEVER been so tired during a pregnancy before at this stage.

God Bless


  1. OMGosh, that is so awesome. Congrats. Feel better!

  2. YAY! So psyched for you! Congratulations!

  3. Yeah!!! I am so excited for you guys. Really...even jealous!! I would love to be adding to our family right now... but we'll have to wait to start until after I am done nursing!

    Can I live vicariously through you??


  4. Yay! Congratulations and best wishes for an easy pregnancy!

  5. Oh.MY.GOODNESS!!!! Congratulations! Boy, y'all do the re-deployment "thing" right, lol!!!

    Can't wait to hear all about this little one!

  6. Christy and Chad, congratulations to you all!!! How exciting; a baby is always welcomed news! funny, hadn't thought of you in a long time and saw you were following my Fear of the Lord blog and wondered if you were pregnant, and indeed you are :) what a blessing to add to your family!


  7. Congratulations! I am SOOOO happy for you ALL~hope you start feeling a bit better and can't wait to see the ultrasound pics!

    Awwwww, this is just wonderful!
