Friday, June 17, 2011

Immediate Prayers Please

(Ayden's the one on the right/the smaller sweetie)

Please pray for my friend Erin, whose little boy, Ayden (3 1/2) was found floating in a pool. I do not have a lot of details as in how long, etc....but his brain is swelling and the drs have said that the swelling will continue for the next 3 days and there's nothing more they can do right now but wait and see. They have 2 other children a son who's older than Ayden and a brand new baby girl. Erin's such a dedicated mother and I can only imagine she's beating herself up over this horrible ACCIDENT. We all know how in a blink our kids can be with us and bang they're off doing something else. Please just pray that the Lord will give them a miracle. We know God's still doing miracles.



  1. Done! Please convey my to your friend that my thoughts and prayers are with them. I pray that God will comfort and strengthen them and that He will give the doctor's wisdom and knowledge.



  2. Prayers coming from a mom who has had a child die from an accident...what a horrific accident to have to endure for this child and mother and family...

    God hears our prayers...

    With love and Hope,

  3. I am praying for them right now! Thanks for posting this.

