Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Life's been busy, but so good! Lots of BBQ'ing with friends, birthday's, ballet recitals, baseball games, schooling, and running (like literally), and learning how to really use my camera which I've had for way too long, to not know how to use it truly properly (aka moving it away from AUTO and going into those other scary parts of manual!!)'s a work in progress, but I AM seeing progress in my photographs so that's good!

                                                               My beautiful Olivia Joy who's
                                                           now 3 months old....

                                                  Mr. 2 year old...enjoying his birthday gift
                                                new basketball hoop and basketball!
                                                 Earlier in the day at Jacob's baseball game
                                               Our sweet Birthday boy!!! I can't believe he's 2

                                                    Sweet Emma Grace who loved playing
                                                      baseball this year!
                                                     Jackson as catcher

                                                              Jacob up to bat

                                                      Kids on a field trip
                                             field trip...we went on an art field trip,
                                          no pictures inside, but the art is gorgeous
                                                    This is where the castle is that we visited
                                               on our field trip
                                                      beautiful German fields
                                                            My beautiful babies

Now the running...I'm still trucking along. I will admit I'm not loving running still. I'm doing it and proud of myself, but I still don't enjoy it. Maybe I will one day, but 6 weeks into it (I am only on week 5 in the program though because I repeated week 4 and I am thinking I may repeat week 5 as well). I'm going to complete this though and plan to continue running after I reach my goal of 5 K's aka 3.1 miles. My friend who's doing this with me and who is a runner, wants us to plan on doing a half marathon one day and as much as I hate running, I think it'd be pretty amazing to do 13 miles, I believe it's 13.1 miles for  half-marathon (haven't looked it up, because right now it's a horrifying thought lol) but it's something I know I could do with the proper training! Chad's been really supportive and the kids are all excited that I'm doing this and I really think they're proud of me for doing it. I'm planning on adding weight training so that I can get my metabolism up and working better. Ladies in case you don't know it, weight training is necessary to actually lose weight (you can't just do cardio...we need to build muscle to make the weight come off). As I run I am often saying to myself, with God all things are possible. I am also about at a point where I'm going to be running with music, my Ipod is full of Christian music so it'll be me praising the Lord as I run through the pain. He's given me the will and desire to do this and I won't stop. I'm so thankful to serve an AWESOME GOD, who gives us the ability to do things we don't think we can, didn't want to do, were scared to do!

1 comment:

  1. Oh how I miss Germany!!! I was just there in March and can't wait to get back!!!
    Your children are beautiful! and good for you for keeping on running. I am so not a runner either - I do like to walk - and walked 15 min today but it was SO hot, I thought I might have a sun stroke!! LOL
