Saturday, May 12, 2012

Week 3 of C25K

Yes 2 posts in a row, but I want my C25K posts to stand on their own.
So this past week I did week 3. It consisted of the normal 5 minute brisk walk, then 90 second jog, 90 second walk, 3 minute jog, 3 minute walk...and repeat all by the initial 5 minute walk. The 90 second jog amazing felt much easier, while I really felt like I was going to die on Monday from the 3 minute jog, but I of course did not. I am so thankful for my friend "S" who's doing this with me and keeping me motivated, cheering me on, and pushing me and not letting me give up (or letting giving up be an option). I must say I feel very determined. There's a BIG part of me that does not want to keep going, but there's an even bigger part of me that must keep going. Friday, I was sore from Thursday's workout, and as I was getting up and getting ready was thinking of all sorts of excuses of why I should just skip the day...I was sore, tired, and just simply didn't want to. I then looked in the mirror and said "but you want to get healthy and loose weight even more than all those other things, so shut up with the EXCUSES and accept you're going and just get over yourself!"...funny what telling yourself "shut up and pull on your big girl panties" can do! So I did it. I was slow, it hurt, I was a sweating, gross mess, and oh yes I WAS tired after it was all said and done, but I ran for a half a mile in total, and over all did over a mile in walking/jogging combined. I finished week 3 and am now off to dreading week 4. I have decided that I'm not going to complain this week. I'm going to push through the pity party and just do it. This week will consist of

Brisk five-minute warmup walk, then:
  • Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
  • Walk 1/4 mile (or 2-1/2 minutes)
  • Jog 1/4 mile (or 3 minutes)
  • Walk 1/8 mile (or 90 seconds)
  • Jog 1/2 mile (or 5 minutes)
I will finish off with at least 1 lap of walking, more if my calves are still tight after the first  lap. I'm hoping it'll be nice enough that I can do it at our outdoor track vs the indoor one. I find it easier to be outside and am actually looking forward to the day when I can start going off the track and start going on the road and different paths. I think that will happen when I finish up this 9 week program.
I'm going to be looking for a double jogging stroller so I can take both Olivia and Noah out on morning jogs this summer and fall and let the older kids ride their bikes. Hopefully I can find one that I like and for a decent price.

So far I've lost 9 lbs. I will not be weighing myself every week, but instead every 4 weeks. Next week, I'm going to start Weight Watchers. I'm hoping I can find my old stuff that I had and use that program (for free) and if not, then I'll sign up online and do it there or find another program I can use. I'll write more about that next week and share what I'm going to be using for this side of my fight to lose the pounds and get healthy! I promise that what ever I use, will allow for snacks of not so good for you things here and there, otherwise I'll not make it. (That's why I love Weight keeps it real for people, so they can still have a treat here and there, but not over-indulge. )

BTW if you're here, leave a comment! I could really use the encouragement! Thanks to the one who emailed me last week and I'd love for you to share how you're doing with the C25K. Let me know if anyone wants the link.

1 comment:

  1. I am so VERY PROUD of you! You can do this! And yes, giving up isn't an option. I love how "S" has put that. I wish I could say the weeks get easier, I don't think they do. I think actually you become more and more motivated as each week passes. Take it one day at a time. So proud of you friend. Keep up all that hard will pay off. Love and miss you to pieces!
