Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Days 7-13 of Thankfulness

I'm sorry. I really meant to come here everyday and write what I'm thankful for, and it just hasn't happened. So without further ado!

Day 7 of Thanks. I'm thankful for Jackson. He was our first baby we ever planned. He was born with fluid on his lungs, spent 8 days in NICU, and came home and loved to just be cuddled and held. He's always had a sweet and tender heart. He loves the Lord, has a great imagination, and such a good boy. He has one of the greatest smiles and a laugh that is contagious. God brought a life full of happiness into our lives with Jackson.

Day 8 of thankfulness: My Emma Grace. I was not sure if I'd ever have another little girl after our beautiful Jordyn Ashleigh went home to Heaven. Before I was pregnant with her, I started praying and asking the Lord to allow us to have ano
ther daughter. When I went for my reveal ultrasound and the ob told us that she was a girl, I was crying so hard I couldn't even see the ultrasound. I think I asked at my next 2 apts to make sure she was really girl. We had 3 names narrowed down when we went to the hospital, the moment I looked at her I just knew she was Emma Grace. She has brought our family so much joy and she is ALL girl. She loves Jesus, loves her family, and her friends, and this girl loves to pose! :) I'm so thankful that the Lord answered our prayers with our beautiful Emma Grace

Day 9 of thanksgiving: My Noah-boah. He's full of giggles and orneriness. Our 5th child, 3rd boy I thought I'd seen it all. He keeps me on my toes. He's wild, crazy, and yet still loves to cuddle, and just be my lovey. He loves all his siblings. He goes from 0 to 100 in about 1.8 seconds. I truly think this boy has made me laugh more in his short 2 1/2 years than any other child of mine. Oh my sweet Noah, how I love him.

Day 10 of Thanksgiving: Olivia Joy, our unexpected blessing. She was my easiest pregnancy and I figured she'd be my baby with colic, because a pregnancy that easy doesn't come with a cost (lol)....instead she really threw us for a loop. Bor
n not breathing, then started having breathing issue's a couple hours later. She fought so hard in her first 8 days of life. She had an infection that caused a scare of possible meningitis, her little lungs collapsed causing a chest and breathing tube, then we were told she'd have to have to have surgery on her eye or she'd go blind. She instead wore eye patches once a day for 30 days and her eye has shown to be fine. She is nothing short of a miracle. Joy is what she brings us and what she exudes. I've never had a happier baby than Olivia (and they were all happy). She lights up our lives. We didn't plan her, but GOD surely did and I can not thank him enough for her or her siblings who adore her here on Earth and in Heaven.

Day 11 of Thanksgiving: I'm thankful for my husbands service, my brother, various friends and family who have all served. We have our freedom's because men and women fight and continue to fight for our freedoms. Let us never take for granted what has been fought and given up for us. 

Day 12 of being thankful: Today I am thankful for being a stay at home mom. After a night like last night where I have one little one not feeling good and up off and on until 3 AM and another little one who thought it was play time until after 4 AM, I was able with the help of my big kids, get some extra zzzz's and feel like a semi-productive person for the day!

Day 13: I'm thankful for my 2 beautiful nieces from my brother and his wife. They're beautiful, smart, sweet, talented girls who I adore and am so very excited to get to see them next month and watch my kids and them develop a close relationship. I love you Bailey and Brooke. You're amazing girls and I couldn't be more proud of you and Aunt Christy can not WAIT to spend more time with you!

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