Yes, it's a better day! Whew! Yesterday was not good, so let me say how thankful I am for not only today, but even yesterday. You often take for granted your good days if you have no bad ones. So my appreciation for today is that much greater!
It's beautiful today, the sun is shining, the temps are perfect, it's just a gorgeous day here in Germany. Emma's finishing up her nap and once she's up we'll join the boys at the park. (The went with our neighbor boy and his dad). I'm going to grill out for dinner (brats).
Today I had a board meeting for PWOC. I prayed over this and really felt GOD leading me to this position. He made me step outside of my box first and put in for the Prayer position, it was taken and I admit I was a bit relieved, as that's something outside of my comfort zone (praying weekly in front of our body of women). I truly believe he was just seeing if I'd be obedient. The other position I said I was interested in, and that I have a true heart for is Hearts at Home. I'll be ministering to our deployed spouses. Right now we have loose plans to have 2 dinners, one in the fall and one in the spring. We'll be giving encouragement, a family movie night with snacks, we'll be doing some craft days, and a monthly encouragement. I'm excited to see how things go this year. This is only the 2nd year of this position in our chapter, last year was nice, but just the beginning. I'm hoping with my past experience as the Outreach coordinator that I can Glorify GOD, while lifting up our women who's husband's are deployed.
Well, I have to go. Emma's up! Time to get our Vitamin D!! :)
Tchuss (bye in German)
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
What a week it has been! My book hit #5 on the New York Times bestseller
list, Sophie got a new HVAC unit (not as exciting, but still, significant),
and Ha...
23 hours ago
Praising God that today is better than yesterday for y'all! :)
I wish we lived closer. I really like you! :)
So glad today is better. Enjoy your time at the park. Good luck with the meeting. Sounds like a neat idea.
Glad you're having a good day!
Did you get to see/hear Jill Savage? I follow her blog and on Facebook and she was in Germany recently. The Hearts at Home will be a wonderful ministry.
A new day brings a new start! Enjoy the rest of your week.
So happy to hear that you had a great day. I'm with you, I HATE it when those hard days come.. the ones that seem like they'll never end. UGH..
On another note.. I'm happy you got your book! I'm NOT much of a reader other than looking over magazines to see if there's anything that catches my eye, or maybe something on family. ☺ I've found that there are few books that just grab me. (ESPECIALLY if it's supposedly written by a Christian author and it's instructing how to live a godly life, but then contradicts what the Bible says.. that's what I liked about the books by the Pearls.. they grab those hard topics and tell you what GOD says about them. They don't water it down explaining away scripture by trying to tie it in with "the culture of THAT day". (Don't get me started on TV preachers that teach that Christians are to expect NOTHING but GOOD just because we're children of GOD) HA!! I'm sorry... after we were so badly misled with "faith healing" while our son was battling for his very life.. well, I just don't have time for "false teaching". (I'll stop explaining.. I know you know what I mean) ☺
Anyway.. sorry I got off track there.. I hope the rest of your week is just WONDERFUL!!
So happy to hear that you had a great day. I'm with you, I HATE it when those hard days come.. the ones that seem like they'll never end. UGH..
On another note.. I'm happy you got your book! I'm NOT much of a reader other than looking over magazines to see if there's anything that catches my eye, or maybe something on family. ☺ I've found that there are few books that just grab me. (ESPECIALLY if it's supposedly written by a Christian author and it's instructing how to live a godly life, but then contradicts what the Bible says.. that's what I liked about the books by the Pearls.. they grab those hard topics and tell you what GOD says about them. They don't water it down explaining away scripture by trying to tie it in with "the culture of THAT day". (Don't get me started on TV preachers that teach that Christians are to expect NOTHING but GOOD just because we're children of GOD) HA!! I'm sorry... after we were so badly misled with "faith healing" while our son was battling for his very life.. well, I just don't have time for "false teaching". (I'll stop explaining.. I know you know what I mean) ☺
Anyway.. sorry I got off track there.. I hope the rest of your week is just WONDERFUL!!
Way to GO following God's will!!! I have a hrad enought ime just figuring out what that id half the time... so I am so proud of you that you were able to discern it and FOLLOW IT!! You rock!!!
God bless-
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