As many have already blogged about sweet, precious Kayleigh went home today, officially. I don't know as her parents had wrote about, if she was already with Jesus, my heart says she has been with him for the past few weeks, but today her Mommy and Daddy had to say goodbye. Please be in prayer for them. I have Kayleigh's graphic on the side of my blog, just scroll down and click on her link.
As some of you already know, and many have probably heard about the soldier who killed 5 other soldiers, injured 5 and is in custody, he was stationed out of Germany, well he was from our Battallion, and even more so, he was from our company. Chad knows him. I do not. His wife is here. I ask that you pray for the victims of this sad and awful crime, also please pray for Sgt. John M. Russell's wife and rest of his family. His wife is a little "safer" in the fact that she's here in Germany and doesn't have the awful US media hounding her, but his parents, son, exwife, etc are not so "lucky". They need our prayers. They are effected in ways that many don't think of or consider.
We're 1 1/2 months from the end of this deployment. So very close. Why he did this I don't know. I know how blessed I am, as far as Chad's friend and coworker was the one who was the one who's weapon was used in this awful act. There are details I know, but are not being released pending further investigation. Please will you pray for our company and our battalion as a whole. All of us here, just seem to be in a sort of shock. I just honestly don't know how this could happen, I mean I do, but well I'm trying so hard to not let this turn into a rant towards the Mental Health in the Army, but let me just say this. There are HUGE changes that need to be made. This COULD have been prevented. From what I know, the command did what they needed to do, and from what I know the mental health did NOT. These are not surprises to anyone who's in the military or married to it. We all have known since the beginning of this war that the mental health had a lot to be desired, that soldiers are suffering, that families are suffering. This is simply not ok. This is sad, awful, horrible, disgraceful. It infuriates me. It's personal. My husband is on his 5th deployment, his 3rd to Iraq. I know it gets to him at times. I know it wears him down...emotionally and physically. I know it wears me down doing everything alone with him deployed. It effects our children. The more Daddy is gone, the harder it is. Let me dispurse a's the myth: The more deployments you go through the easier it gets.
HA! Honestly I think our first deployment was the easiest, looking back. Why do I say that? Because you don't know what to expect. You know you're going to miss him, you know it's going to be hard, etc...but it's all the things you don't know that make it easier and harder. After one, you know what you went through last time, what you need and what you want, you see your children hurting .
This must change.
I am cutting this short, I'm ehausted and heading to bed.
God Bless
Fashion Friday: Maybe you’ve heard I had a book come out this week
Yes, in case you missed it, my new book Here Be Dragons officially launched
out into the world on Tuesday so I’m a little tired. In fact, I debated
doing F...
1 day ago
Wasn't sure if you had ever visited this blog
Thought of you today as all of this is starting to come out. My thoughts, in addition to many others, is that the Army should not be doing 15 months deployments. Other branches do 3-4 months so why can't we? May two periods of R&R if it's going to be long like this.
So sorry for you. What a mess. Dave is going back up to Baghdad for things.
So sad.
Hey Friend,
First, I am so sad about Kayleigh. You know what these parents are feeling.
Second, I agree about the emotional/mental health of our soldiers. So many suffer in silence and NEVER share.
God bless you and all of the families who suffer for our sake. I have no words.
Just watching this on the local news (I live in North Texas). So very sad. As a Marine Mom, my heart breaks. Prayers for all of your "family" as you go through this together.
I will definitely pray for all involved in that event in Iraq, Christy. I agree with everything you said; I can't imagine how hard a deployment must be for all involved, spouses and children, each unique set of circumstances; you worry about Chad, Chad worries about you, kids want their daddy home, etc and this repeats in every single house where there is a deployment. all we can do is pray......
It's been said for quite some time that more needs to be done for the soldiers coming home, especially ones on repeat deployments! It has been said that soldiers are suffering through the battle of PTSD and sadly PTSD is not isolated to the family member it ricochets throught their families, their friends, their fellow soldiers. It is said that they need to be evaluated and treated in the *field* when they are showing signs of cracking under the pressure of it all. This is not the first time a soldier has snapped like this and it just makes me so....I can't even find the words....that there is not being more done to help the soldiers and the families!
I'm so sorry that your military community has been touched by something so devistating. I will be praying for all the soldiers in that company and for all the families. Furthermore, I will be praying this is the rock bottom wake-up call needed to make changes to the care these service members receive!
Hugs to you my sweet friend! LY! :)
I think its very sad how the military mental health works as well
It ended my marriage in the end.
They really need to change how they operate
thinking of your hubby and his company & battalion
Keeping Kayleighs family in my prayers so sad....
Keeping all of the Soldiers and family in my thoughts and prayers as well...I hadn't heard about it.....
Chad will be home very happy for all of you!
Gut wrenching entry but glad you posted it just the same. ;o/
Could you please explain the difference between a company and a battalion?
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