We got word yesterday that a house had opened up for us! We currently live in an apartment (on post) but next week we'll be moving! On our post it's mostly apartments, then a good amount of townhouses, a few duplexes, and then the brick houses for high ranking officers. The duplexes has always been for those mostly in the rank of Major's, but recently our post made changes and those E-6 and below must stay on post (no more moving off post or if you're new, you have to move on post) now. Well we got a Duplex! Our apartment is the largest on post, but it's an apartment, we have a shared laundry room with 5 other apartments (those on the 4th floor have their own washers and dryers). Our new home will be a full basement, which has a huge laundry room, a middle room which we will be using as a family room (all the game systems will go down there) and another room will be used as a homeschool room/playroom!
The main floor has the masterbedroom, a full bathroom, and a half bathroom (our apartment has ONE bathroom), the living/dining room, and kitchen. The upstairs has 3 bedrooms for the kids and a full bathroom for them, along with a large room that is at the top of the stairs, we're not sure how we'll be using that space yet. We will have a carport and a garage, which also has a storage room on the back of it, and a nice sized, but small backyard, that will be fencing in, which will make life easier with a toddler and a dog to go in and out of. There's a patio out the back as well, so we're now going to be on the look out for someone selling their patio set (summer time is moving time in the military world), and of course our grill!
It all seems to be such an amazing blessing for our family. We won't feel like we're all on top of each other, we will have room to move and breath! When Chad gets home tonight with empty foot lockers and boxes we're going to start packing things up. Everything will be coming down from the walls, knick knacks packed up, nonessentials from the kitchen, and sorting! So far the only negative we have discovered is no linen closets so we'll have to purchase something for our towels and washclothes to go into, for our bathroom and I'm thinking of buying some sort of shelving unit for upstairs for the kids bathroom. There are things will want to get, like night stands for each of the kids rooms, lamps for each of their rooms (the ones we have in the rooms are not in good shape so it's time to find new ones) and we want to get bookshelves for each of the kids rooms (just small ones) because only books will be in their rooms (all toys which we will be sorting through and getting rid of MOST before the move). I want their rooms more for sleeping, reading, and quiet times....NO TOYS!
Once we sign for the keys next week, I'll take the before pictures and hopefully a week or two after we get moved in and get everything set up, I'll take the after photo's.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
What a week it has been! My book hit #5 on the New York Times bestseller
list, Sophie got a new HVAC unit (not as exciting, but still, significant),
and Ha...
1 day ago
Is that the old major housing near Freedom Park that you'll be moving into? Those are the only duplexes I can remember...with the Garrison commander's house at the end of the street?
or wait...are those the same ones that Sandra Casey lived in? If that's the case, those ARE huge...lots of space!!!
Linda that's Beach street we'll be on Kieferstrasse, a street over. Did you ever know where Joanne lived? If so it's that street and that housing (Pundt's lived over there too). The housing you're talking about is a lot smaller and very cut up, what we're moving into has nice size rooms!
Aww congrats! Sounds like it is a much needed move! :)
I am so excited for you guys! I know this has been a long awaited move! I'd be there helping you pack and clean, IF there wasn't that pesky little ocean in my way! :)
Congratulations! Can't wait to see pics of the house.
That is so awesome. It sounds wonderful! congrats!
That is so exciting! We were in a Duplex in Graf and the way it was made I always forgot we shared it with another family. That is so nice you have more space :)
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