Well we ended up staying home from church. I can count on one hand how often we've missed church since moving to Germany 3 1/2 yrs ago, if we're home. Five times or less! I enjoying going to church, I like hearing God's word preached to me, like getting new insites on his word. I know that at times God's going to convict my sinning butt all over the place, ok that's not "at times" that's quite often, but I need it...and so do you! Yes I said it, we all need to be shown our sins and I do believe we all should be attending church. I do know some who with other believers have home church, but most people just sit at home on Sunday mornings and don't crack open their bibles, or even really think about the Lord and his word to us, except when it fits their need or desire. I used to be one of those people, my parents are still those people. I felt no conviction on my sins, I had no one else holding me accountable, etc. We need other believers in our business to show us if we're sinning and vice versa. Does that mean when we do show another believer the errors of their way we're all in their face, of course not. We do it PRAYERFULLY first, and realize they may throw it right back at you...if they do...thank them! Seriously, thank them. Let them know that they're right, you too struggle with that and then...ready for this...ASK THEM to pray for you in that sin and any other sins they see you committing. We're ALL sinners. We're all hypocrits, but if we profess that Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior, then we must be constantly striving to be more like him, to walk, talk, and be like him! I'm here to say it, I AM A sinner. I sin every single day and I am BLESSED, you heard me right, I am BLESSED to have friends who will call me out in my sins. I am BLESSED to have a husband who will call me out in my sins, I am BLESSED that I have a 5 and 7 yr old who will CALL their momma out in her sins. (Emily has HEARD Jacob do this, and guess what it HURT, but he was RIGHT!). We do not have to be holier than thou when sharing with our friends, fellow Christian a sin that's on your heart to show them they're walking in. It's not easy and you may have a friend or two upset with you, you may even lose that friendship, but isn't it worth it, to know that they'll be with our Lord and he'll have one more sin to mark off their long list??? No amount of works is going to get us to Heaven, yet when we've confessed our Sins to the Lord and accepted him as Our Lord Jesus, living a life of Faith in Jesus, the works will come more naturally! They go hand in hand, but speaking our faith needs to come first! We can NOT get to heaven on works. We can NOT get to heaven for being a "Good person" for being "nice, kind, gentle, loving, a great friend, funny, deep, prayerful"...there's only ONE WAY To get to Heaven....that's through Jesus!
Wow, I did NOT know that was going to happen! Whoa! Look what happens when we go and obey the Lord and just go with it! LOL So as I had started to say, we didn't go to church today.
Unfortunately Emma's got a fever. Not a high one, but a fever none the less and if you know me, you know I don't take my sick kids to church to spread it around to all the other kids and often adults and get everyone else sick. It's a pet peave of mine when others do it, so I'm not going to do it! I ended up not even getting to laundry today which was the goal, I stayed on the couch with Emma and cuddled her pretty well all day long. I even napped with her which was REALLY nice. Her "normal" nap wasn't very long, but she had quite a few smaller naps before and after so hopefully she was able to get as much rest as her body needed. Even when she wasn't sleeping most of the time she was just cuddled into me. She also has a cough and is congested. Don't worry I know what to do! I don't know everything, but I do know how to treat this junk. It's not our first or 2nd or even 3rd time around the block! ;)
So if you'd keep sweet Emma in your prayers that she'll feel better. In the big picture it's not that big of a deal. Goodness how I know that. I've had a child who had cancer and is now with our Lord. I also know that she still doesn't feel good and is miserable. So I do appreciate the prayers for Emma.
Also please take a look over on the side bar, I've placed a couple new graphics...one for Abby, many of you know her. She's a little girl fighting leukemia. Oh be still my grieving heart. I know that walk all to well and even 9 yrs later, I go back in a flash. There's also another one for the Moxy (I may have mispelled their name right here) their beautiful 14 month old died from cancer, they have a 2 yr old son, and now their 3 month old baby is fighting cancer. They are Christians and know the hope of our Lord. Please be in prayer for these two families. Life's not fair, especially for those of us who confress that the Lord Jesus is our Savior, he told us it wouldn't be fair. (So if you think it should be, baby open your bibles and start reading and learn the truth).
I also got to chat with Chad again this evening. He's good and misses us and is READY for R&R! I am too! :)
Ok well I'm off! Oh and if you like my new signature, stop on over to Kelly's (her links on the side...Green Olives and Pickles!) Sorry I'm honestly being lazy to link her! LOL
God Bless
Fashion Friday: Maybe you’ve heard I had a book come out this week
Yes, in case you missed it, my new book Here Be Dragons officially launched
out into the world on Tuesday so I’m a little tired. In fact, I debated
doing F...
1 day ago
I can't even read about babies with cancer. It is just too much for me right now. I'm praying that Emma gets to feeling better right away. We missed church this morning for the same reason. Emma is hacking and snorting, Bella is hacking and I just don't feel well. Get well, little Emma!
Thank you for the follow and for vising my blog. :o) You have a beautiful family and I pray your husband will be home soon.
I am so grateful for our military!
God bless you!
It is hard to miss church isn't it? It just feels so weird being at home on a Sunday. I will keep Emma in my prayers. I do love you new signature. I love making changes to my blog.
I hope Emma feels better soon...I've been sick for the last couple days too...I'm so ready for spring and warmer weather...keeping Emma in my prayers...and also keeping the Maxey family in my prayers...I've already been and will continue praying for Abby... just breaks my heart the suffering these little children endure...I know, you know all to well... Big Hugs!
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