I got this over from Barb at One Day at A Time (I'd link, but my computer is acting up right now in that department).
Anyways, it's a long one....
.Are you a vegetarian? Goodness no! I like meat! I like my veggies too, but I like meat, appreciate it, and hello I grew up on a farm!
Do you believe in Heaven?: Of course! My little girl is there, our Lord and Savior is there!
Have you ever come close to dying?: not physically (my heart broke and I WANTED to die when Jordyn died, but wanting to die and doing it are two different things)
What jewelry do you wear 24/7?: No...I even take my wedding ring off at night because my fingers tend to swell a bit when I sleep and I also do not wear them when my hands in the water for a prolonged amount of time (washing dishes, shower)
Are you eating?: Nothing
Do you eat the stems of broccoli: Yes!
Do you wear makeup?: Yes, about 75% of the time
Would you ever have plastic surgery?:The only plastic surgery I plan on having is a breast reduction one day when I'm done having babies and done nursing them...it's going to be a few more years and that's only to help ease my back pain. Like Barb said if I was burnt or in a car accident something like that, I wouldn't have any objection..but for pure vanity reasons no. I have no problem growing old and showing my age. That's how God made me.
What do you wear to bed?: Usually a tshirt and shorts, can't stand long pants (pj pants or sweats) they always seem to crawl up my leg and that drives me batty!
Have you ever done anything illegal?: Yes, gotten a speeding ticket
Can you roll your tongue? Yes
Do you believe in Abortions? ABSOLUTELY NOT. It's MURDER no matter WHAT the situation, it's murder. There are other options like adoption or keeping your legs shut if you're not wanting a baby. There is no grey area here.
What is your Hair color?: Brown and all natural
If you could go anywhere in the world where would it be?: Goodness I have a list of places we still want to go, but my personal number one right now is Switzerland!
Do you sleep with stuffed animals?:No, I sleep with a 16 month old little girl though who thinks she should sleep right up against me and somehow in a queen sized bed, with a husband in Iraq, I still manage to lay on my side clinging to the side of the bed half the time! LOL
If you won the lottery, what would you do first?: Well I don't play the lottery, but if so, the first thing I'd do is Donate a big amount to Research for Childhood Cancer (namely Pediatric AML research).
Gold or silver?:gold
Hamburger or hot dog?: Hamb. I do NOT like hot dogs unless they're covered in chili and I don't have to think about what I'm eating! LOL
If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?: The only thing I like "that much" is chocolate, but I think I'd get sick of Chocolate eventually if I had to eat it every day! LOL
City, beach or country?:Beach or country
What was the last thing you touched?:My mouse.
Where did you eat last?:at the table
Whens the last time you cried?:last night
Do you read blogs?:Yes I do and I try to write them.
Would you ever go out dressed like the opposite sex?:Maybe for Halloween....
Ever been involved with the police?: ???
What's your favorite shampoo/conditioner and soap?: Arbonne for all 3
What's your favorite song at the moment: Does Anybody Hear Her: Casting Crowns
Have you ever had a cavity?:Yes, didn't have one until I was 24 yrs old
Window seat or aisle seats?:Window, although I normally sit on the aisle and let the kids sit by the window
Ever met anyone famous?: yes quite a few country singers and in the Childhood Cancer Arena many :X
Do you feel that you've had a truly successful life?: I think so. I don't look at success in the monetary value, but in the fact that God's blessed me in this life so above and beyond anything I've EVER deserved. I have a wonderful husband and 4 beautiful and precious children and none of it have I EVER deserved. AND he lets me stay at home and raise them! Truly amazing if you ask me!
Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it?:both lol
What is your fave.sport to play?: what ever sport my kids ask me to play with them. Growing up it'd been throwing shot put with volleyball as close 2nd
Do you drive a stick?: Our BMW is a stick, so yes
Cake or ice cream?: Cake
Are you self-conscious?:Not really
Do you like any of your close friends?: Well they wouldn't be close friends if I didn't like them!
Have you ever given money to a bum?: To a bum...no to someone who was down on their luck, trying to get back up, struggling....absolutely
Have you ever ridden in an ambulance?:Yes , I was in them with Jordyn 3 or 4 times
Can you tango?: no, but it'd be fun to learn
Last gift you received?:A kiss from Emma!
Last thing you spent lots of money on?:A Wii for the boys for Christmas
Where do you live?: Germany
Last wedding attended?My Uncle Dennis's this summer when I was back in the states for a visit
Favorite restaurant? Here it'd be Italia's
What is your favorite kind of car?:Seriously who cares about that stuff? Maybe it's me but if it's a realiable vehicle that gets me and my family from point a to point b without breaking us in the gas it takes...works for me!
Most hated food(s): Peppers...all of them YUCK! Raw Onions, liver, pattea (not sure if that's spelled correctly), rare meat (cook it, it MUST be COOKED...NO PINK)
Most loved food(s)?: Brownies (lol), Chicken Alfredo, My stroganoff
Can you sing?yes
Person on your mind?: Chad, I'm missing him so much right now
What's your least fave.chores?:Laundry
Favorite drink?: Pepsi and water
Fashion Friday: Maybe you’ve heard I had a book come out this week
Yes, in case you missed it, my new book Here Be Dragons officially launched
out into the world on Tuesday so I’m a little tired. In fact, I debated
doing F...
1 day ago
I had to laugh at the hot dog answer - I'm the exact same way. Hope your back is feeling better. Leene
Great answers! So thrilled you played along. We are alike in so many ways. Your Jordyn is a precious angel. xoxBarb
This was great! I was entertained the whole time reading your answers. For some reason, my front page is not telling me when you've updated. So, I have some more reading to do on your blog...I've missed some posts. I am going to try reloading your site on my front page.
Happy Sunday to you!
Thanks for leaving a comment. Its so great to here from someone who knows the area! If you are ever in town, please give me a holler. I would love to meat up and chat over smothing warm.
God bless!
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