Please keep my husband in your prayers. He's got so many burdens on his heart that I simply can not share because of things I do not know and things that I could not divulge. As most of you know he's in Iraq. Chad's a soldier in the US Army (only those in the Army are called Soldiers). This is his 3rd time in Iraq, and his 5th over all deployment. He's struggling with things right now and feels the weight of the world on his heart. I've urged him to make an appointment to talk to his Chaplain, who's someone he trusts completely. His job is changing so he'll be staying put verse going out on missions constantly and that's truly fabulous news. He'll be working for people he really likes.
Pray that those he's around are people who are also after God's heart. He's struggling there as well. It can be a struggle to be surrounded by Christians down there and to have those who are trying to live the same life you are trying to. Please pray for him.
Also pray for Emily's family. They had a family tragedy today and they could all use your prayers.
We know our Lord is a loving God, a Sovereign God, a Gentle God. He's a forgiving God and when we confess our sins he forgives us. Let us seek him in all things. Let us remember that NOTHING, absolutely NOTHING it soo big for GOD. Nothing is too big for him to handle. Nothing is too big for him to forgive. Let us ALL remember this, and right now, especially let Chad remember this.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
What a week it has been! My book hit #5 on the New York Times bestseller
list, Sophie got a new HVAC unit (not as exciting, but still, significant),
and Ha...
5 days ago
I'll be praying.
I'm eamiling you about facebook.
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