I finished day 4 of watching my friends children and actually today I had all 3 of her kids, because there was no school today (Parent-Teacher conferences). I will say that in many ways, today was the easiest. Their oldest is only in 1st grade, but she's a classic older child in that she jumps right in and helps with the younger ones. She helped Jacob in cleaning up their bedroom (still a long ways to go, but there is progress). When her baby sister was crying and Emma was crying, she came right in and helped to get her sisters attention and make her laugh! What a blessing that little lady was to me today! I sang her praises to her Daddy, so I hope he went home and sang her praises as well.
Tonight my friend B's son, little B is staying the night. He's Jacob's best friend. Right now they're watching Adventures In Odessy! We love AIO! Great biblical lessons and so fun to watch (or listen to!!). I made Enchilada Casserole for dinner and B had 2nds, he can sometimes be picky, although he knows he must have a thank you bite (his mom's rule that I've sense adopted...ultimately they have to take a bite and say thank you for providing the food, even if they don't like it...gratitude goes a long way). So anyways, he loved it. It's a popular dish in our family. A friend from high school shared it with me once when I went to visit her, when Jacob was a baby (and Chad was deployed to Kuwait...before the Iraq war!). It's one of their family favorites. I have shared it with my brother and it's one of their favorites, and so on....so dinner was wonderful.
I bought some Pringles and let them have some Sunkist. I offered popcorn when we first got home with B, but they never asked me to make it! We use a air popper, no dangerous cancer causing toxins and it's just over all healthier! They LOVE it. Ok they love all popcorn! LOL Anyways, I didn't have to make it and can't say I minded that! LOL
Tomorrow I have to get some laundry done. It's been 1000% neglected all week. I also have to start working on my bedroom. It's awful. I'm going to take a picture of it, for myself and myselly. I'm far too ashamed to ever share it. I can literally barely walk in my room. There's so much in there. Baskets of clothes that need to be packed away, given away, or thrown away. Boxes of various items, boxes of papers that need to be sorted, and just various things stuffed in there because I can close my door and no one needs to see our "dirty little secret". I have our dirty clothes in a bag in there (it's a laundry bag at least), and all the clean clothes one in a hamper and some just piled on top of other things, that need to be put away. I also have a basket of clothes that are Emma's. We were overly blessed by hand me downs, they've been sorted through, but now need to be put away. I've simply been too lazy.
I can blame a bit of the laziness from being tired after the day of extra children, reality is...they were easy, but having 2 girls 15 months and well on Saturday baby girl will be turning 1, well it's work. I have NEVER had a desire for twins and this only confirmed that for me. I'm a whimp! I'm sure if God saw it fit to bless me that way, I'd do fine, we'd find a way for it to work for our family and go on with our life. But it was overwhelming.
Yesterday at PWOC we had a special and at the end we had lunch. Lasagna and speghetti, breads, salads, and yummy cookies! All was fine and then I had to go get the kids. In my brillancy I thought "oh I'll feed them here, then I don't have to go home and make them something"! So the boys made their own plates and I made a plate up for the girls. I had the girls strapped into their high chairs, went to the table to get napkins, and in the 5 seconds of being gone from them, Emma got into the lasanga and started feeding herself and baby girl! Thankfully friends caught her, had her cleaned up for the most part, and pushed the food out of reach. I then proceeded to feed the two most demanding, hungry little girls. If I was feeding one, the other was yelling at me to feed them. It was a REALLY FUN and PEACEFUL process. Thankfully they were done and then it was time to clean up, load up,and head out. The boys had disappeared, so I had to round them up. I felt like I was being pulled in 5 different ways and I literally was. The girls were NOT happy to be strapped into the stroller, especially Emma who thought she should be able to run like the wind, unfortunately she has a Momma who restricts that at times! LOL I found Jackson and little man, and was on the prowell for Jacob. Found him and then the other two boys had disappeared. Oh and during this time I was taking leftovers home, figuring someone would holler the minute we walked into the door they were hungry (and they did...including me! LOL) so I had something to feed them! The younger boys were finally found, outside in front of the chapel with our friends older son (he's watched my children before), but they both still got into trouble for going outside without my permission. Little man I know has done this to him Mom on various occassions, but he understand without a doubt that he was NOT to do that to me ever again.
We finally made it home, both girls wanted to be held. Baby girl wanted some milk, so I got her a sippy cup and made that up for her, Emma wanted to nurse so I did that, then it was nap time for Emma. I got laid down and was sitting in my rocking chair with Baby girl, who was actually sitting beside me and I felt her head fall. I am pretty sure she did not get her morning nap, so she was getting it in one way or another! She only slept for maybe 45 minutes and Daddy showed up to get them. I will say I was pretty wiped out.
After they left and Emma woke up the kids and I walked up the CAC and I got Emma's 1 year pictures. I'll make a new post for them. I loved them! I gave our photographer free editing reign and she did a perfect job!
We had an early dinner, bathtime, and then off to bed they went!
I will not miss getting up at 4:15 AM. Hats off to those who have to, but for those of us who don't...no desire! I always went back to bed once the kids were here and settled. Baby girl went into Emma's crib and went back to bed and little man laid on the couch, watched a movie and fell asleep and our door was locked. I normally got about 3 to 3 1/2 more hours of sleep and I slept hard in those hours, but having them broke up hurts! I'm looking forward to tomorrow morning! The boys are still up watching another dvd of Adventures in Odessy, it's 11 pm! I told them I'll make breakfast burrito's for them, but I think it's going to be more of a brunch. I have fruit to stave them off until I have the desire to make them! LOL
On a somber note....Chad called and sounded sooo down. I had hoped he'd call back, but it's 1 am there now, so that's not going to happen. He called my cell phone too, but it was charging here at home so I missed his call. I feel so bad. I know he's lonely, discouraged, and we haven't been able to talk about the election either so I'm going out on a limb to say he's disappointed in how that turned out as I am. Please pray for him. Pray for his peace of mind, pray that he will get the support and encouragement that he needs there, and that he never feels that God has left him. That he feels the Lord surrounding him at every turn and is holding him tightly.
Big Boo Cast: Episode 432
What a week it has been! My book hit #5 on the New York Times bestseller
list, Sophie got a new HVAC unit (not as exciting, but still, significant),
and Ha...
5 days ago
Share the recipe please!!!
I'm glad you made it and agree that broken up sleep is HORRIBLE!!! I'm sure it was nice to sleep in this morning and not worry about the alarm clock. The enchilada casserole sounds delicious - I copied the recipe and will have to try it one night. I also love air popped popcorn - its so good and healthy for you. I hope you're able to talk Chad soon, its such a helpless feeling not being able to comfort him I'm sure. Take care - Leene
Id be happy to pray for such an awesome man! I love your idea about a "thanks" bite... I might have to try that!
Many blessings to you and yours-
thanks for sharing the recipe (I read ahead); I'll keep Chad in my prayers especially this weekend; the Lord laid upon my heart this morning how he raises up people to do the work he wants to get done; remember Pharoah? who knows why he raised up our new president-elect; I think we just need to continue to pray and just sit back and watch our Lord work; it will be awesome and good whatever it is, because the Lord is good all the time :)
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