B and I went to Czech today and another friend came along too! We had a great time. She bought 5 purses and a really big Coach bag and I got 7 purses today, 4 for Heather and 2 for Emily, and one for me. I also got Emma a rocking chair. I want to stain it, right now it's all natural. I need to decide just how dark I want it. I've never stained anything before so if anyone has any tips on the best way of going about it let me know. It's going to be a Christmas gift for Emma! B got one for her little girl too. Both girls played/rocked in B's girls tonight. It was sweet watching them and they both loved it, so I definately know it'll be well loved and used gift for Miss E. I also got Emma 2 pairs of PJ's and a shirt. B got 2 sweaters. Our friend who came got her a pair of earrings and a bottle of perfume.
The boys stayed with B's husband, T. They and our friend's husband went to Tuckerland's. It's an indoor play area. So between the two men they had 6 children 8 and under! T had his two B & D and my boys and then our friends husband had their two children! They had a great time, but in the process of it all Jacob ended up with a black eye! On one of the things that the he can swing from, he fell off (not a far drop) and it came back and hit him smack dab on his right eye. When I got to B's home this evening, I immediately noticed the dark circle and by the time Emma and I left there was a good deal of swelling. He had an ice pack on his eye. There's also a good size red mark above his eye. I will not be surprised if his eye is swollen shut tomorrow and completely black and blue. I know it has to be sore, but he never complained about it. B emailed me and said it was more swollen about an hour or so after I'd left. If you'd add that to your prayer list I'd appreciate it!
Thankfully Jack had an uneventful, but fun time and no bruises or black eyes for him! :) Both boys are having a sleep over at B's house. I am going to see if B can sleep over here next weekend, that'll be their last chance. Which reminds me...they leave in 10 days. It really seems surreal to me, that they will not be here for Thanksgiving, or ever again possibly. I just keep pushing that lump in my throat down as hard as absolutely possible. It's a little hard right at this moment to get it down. God truly blessed me with B and her friendship. I wish you could all understand just how much it means to me. I never truly believed I could have another Army wife friend as good as she is to me. I have always wanted it, seen it with others, but never had it for my own. She's irreplaceable and one of the most special people in my life. I'm trying to pick the perfect going away gift for her right now. Another friend asked if I was getting her something and I said I was but wasn't exactly sure what. I know one thing, it's a throw with the name of the city we live in on it. I have one and she's mentioned many times how much she likes it, so I'm going to pick it up on Tuesday. I want to get her something else too, just not sure what yet. I'm hoping by Tuesday her Christmas gift is here, because Wednesday the movers come and I know it'd be much easier if it could be packed up with their belongings verses me having to mail it to her in Arizona in December.
I guess I should try to get to bed. I do have a book waiting for me to read! :) Tomorrow is a busy day. We have church, I need to come home and clean, work on laundry (washing and putting away), work with the boys for a bit on their Awana verses, and then head to Awana. We have this week and next, then off for Thanksgiving weekend. I need to work on a school schedule this week as well and go over everything to see what we need for any projects this week.
Good night
Fashion Friday: Maybe you’ve heard I had a book come out this week
Yes, in case you missed it, my new book Here Be Dragons officially launched
out into the world on Tuesday so I’m a little tired. In fact, I debated
doing F...
1 day ago
I'm so thankful that you have such a wonderful friend Christy, and I can only imagine how sad you are going to be when she leaves. I will keep all of this in my prayers for you.
Love & Pooh Hugs,
That is my kind of shopping...7 purses. Wow.
I also have much to do today with church, cleaning, grocery shopping, blah blah blah...Our lists never end do they?
RE: staining...start with a light walnut stain. Be sure the chair is well sanded...use a brush (don't go cheap on the brush, it won't leave hairs behind), then wipe with a soft cotton cloth. Do the entire chair...and then, if it's not dark enough, apply another coat, with the same technique. If it's too dark, sand it down a bit with a fine grit sandpaper (I'm thinking 220 grit).
Are you planning on sealing it after? or just staining it? If you're going to seal it, there'll be more sanding involved. And get a tack cloth (if you can find one - you may have to go into the city to find one). It's a cheesecloth type cloth with a tacky substance on it which you wipe on the wood to help pick up any sanding dust that might be left over.
Good luck!
It sounds like you had a great day and to get 7 purses - I'm jealous :) I can't wait to see pictures of the rocking chair, I remember having one as a little girl and loved it. Poor Jacob, I hope his eye is feeling a bit better - what a strong kid, I guess the desire to hang out with his friends outweighed the pain. I'll keep him in my prayers. Leene
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